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assoluto racing


Infinity Vector Ltd

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assoluto racing

assoluto racing,一般又称Assoluto。

《绝对赛车 Assoluto Racing》是由 Infinity Vector Ltd 提供的一款竞速游戏。其玩法新颖有趣别出心裁,操作简单流畅易上手,各种选款的赛车等着你来驾驭,你需要在规定时间内到达指定的地点,还有战胜对手。赶快一起加入进来,驾驶着你的赛车去挑战一个个高难度的任务和战胜全部对手吧! 
- 游戏完全免费 
- 与现实世界完全相同的品牌与车型 
- 游戏不需网络 
- 高清的画质,简易的操作 
- 多种操作可调整,多重视觉切换 
- 爱车购买与改装,给你想要的 
- 多种车型与喷漆 
- 精细的内饰

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assoluto racing最新版v2.9.1更新说明(2023-03-30)

WELCOME TO AR RALLY!-  Compete in the BRAND NEW Rally Series-  Greece, Finland, Sweden, AustraliaSUZUKI IS HERE!-  Cappuccino-  Swift Sport-  SX4 RallyNEW CARS: MITSUBISHI AND PEUGEOT- EVO 3, 6, 8- EVO 6 Ralliart- 308 R- 206 Rally IMPORTS- Limited time Tier 5 2x Drop RateImprovements and Fixes- Can Sell Import Cars (Be careful)- Grip on some surfaces fixed- Multiplayer Touge fix- Rally Car Liveries selectable- Never ending License Tests- Start bug on Sweden

如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#nongjia888(dot)com,或移步assoluto racing官网下载最新版

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类别: 最新版本: 发布日期:
休闲 2.9.1 2023-03-30