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Limp Zoo


PointZero Co.

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Limp Zoo

《布娃娃动物园 Limp Zoo》是一款简单可爱的抓娃娃游戏。在这个满是动物的布娃娃世界里,赶紧用你的双手,去抓取一个你最喜欢的布娃娃吧。游戏操作简单,超过140种布娃娃等着你去抓获喔。

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Limp Zoo最新版v2.08.010更新说明(2021-10-22)

-2.06.311Updated the internal system (No change in the game play).Added an ad watch button on the daily bonus popup.-Recent Major UpdatesAdded new prizes: Ostrich, Seal, Camel, CowNew functions to the collection window.The bending condition of the prizes are now saved.Gave luster to the prizes' eyes.Made the tiny prizes more easier to get.The frictions between prizes has been improved to be more smooth to make them easier to get.如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#nongjia888(dot)com,或移步Limp Zoo官网下载最新版

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类别: 最新版本: 发布日期:
休闲 2.08.010 2021-10-22
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