ice boxicon图

ice box

安卓版3.22.0 G

ice box

ice box,一般又称冰箱app。

    需要 root 权限

    冰箱 Ice Box 可以帮您把那些你不喜欢但有时不得不用的 App 冰冻起来。

    冰冻状态下的 App 也会从桌面隐藏掉。点一下冰箱里的图标,则会解冻并运行。锁屏数分钟后,又会自动冻起来。这样就可以有效的防止它们在后台偷电偷流量。

    运行 App.
    冻结/解冻 App.
    在 Google Play 中打开.
    卸载 App.

ice box下载安装失败或使用异常,请 -> 一键举报

ice box最新版v3.22.0 G更新说明

Dear Google auditor: This app was removed twice this week for the same reason (cannot be uninstalled) but it do has the "Uninstall" option in its settings since 4 years ago. Also I have added the description of how to uninstall to the Play store page, the app's setup guide, and a dialog when user set it as device owner firstly.
Please see [5-0330000030530] for more detail.

- Nothing changed for users.

如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#nongjia888(dot)com,或移步ice box官网下载最新版

ice box 标签


类别: 最新版本:
系统 3.22.0 G